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Automate your Functions (Custom Logic Automation)

This tutorial shows you how to use Chainlink Automation to automate your Chainlink Functions. Automation is essential when you want to trigger the same function regularly, such as fetching weather data daily or fetching an asset price on every block.

Read the Automate your Functions (Time-based Automation) tutorial before you follow the steps in this example. This tutorial explains how to trigger your functions using an Automation compatible contract.

After you deploy and set up your contract, Chainlink Automation triggers your function on every block.


Set up your environment

You must provide the private key from a testnet wallet to run the examples in this documentation. Install a Web3 wallet, configure Node.js, clone the smartcontractkit/smart-contract-examples repository, and configure a .env.enc file with the required environment variables.

Install and configure your Web3 wallet for Sepolia:

  1. Install Deno so you can compile and simulate your Functions source code on your local machine.

  2. Install the MetaMask wallet or other Ethereum Web3 wallet.

  3. Set the network for your wallet to the Sepolia testnet. If you need to add Mumbai to your wallet, you can find the chain ID and the LINK token contract address on the LINK Token Contracts page.

  4. Request testnet LINK and ETH from

Install the required frameworks and dependencies:

  1. Install the latest release of Node.js 20. Optionally, you can use the nvm package to switch between Node.js versions with nvm use 20.

    Note: To ensure you are running the correct version in a terminal, type node -v.

    node -v
    $ node -v
  2. In a terminal, clone the smart-contract examples repository and change directories. This example repository imports the Chainlink Functions Toolkit NPM package. You can import this package to your own projects to enable them to work with Chainlink Functions.

    git clone && \
    cd ./smart-contract-examples/functions-examples/
  3. Run npm install to install the dependencies.

    npm install
  4. For higher security, the examples repository encrypts your environment variables at rest.

    1. Set an encryption password for your environment variables.

      npx env-enc set-pw
    2. Run npx env-enc set to configure a .env.enc file with the basic variables that you need to send your requests to the Sepolia network.

      • ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL: Set a URL for the Sepolia testnet. You can sign up for a personal endpoint from Alchemy, Infura, or another node provider service.

      • PRIVATE_KEY: Find the private key for your testnet wallet. If you use MetaMask, follow the instructions to Export a Private Key. Note: Your private key is needed to sign any transactions you make such as making requests.

      npx env-enc set

Create and fund a Functions subscription

After you configure your local environment, create a Functions subscription to pay for the work done by the DON. Follow the Managing Functions Subscriptions guide to accept the Chainlink Functions Terms of Service (ToS), create a subscription, and fund it.

Note: If you followed the previous tutorials, then you can reuse an existing subscription.

You will add your consumer contract to a subscription later in this guide using the Chainlink Functions Subscription Manager.


This tutorial is configured to get the median BTC/USD price from multiple data sources on every block. Read the Examine the code section for a detailed explanation of the code example.

You can locate the scripts used in this tutorial in the examples/10-automate-functions directory.

  1. Make sure to understand the API multiple calls guide.

  2. Make sure your subscription has enough LINK to pay for your requests. Also, you must maintain a minimum balance to upload encrypted secrets to the DON (Read the minimum balance for uploading encrypted secrets section to learn more). You can check your subscription details (including the balance in LINK) in the Chainlink Functions Subscription Manager. If your subscription runs out of LINK, follow the Fund a Subscription guide. This guide recommends maintaining at least 2 LINK within your subscription.

  3. Get a free API key from CoinMarketCap and note your API key.

  4. Run npx env-enc set to add an encrypted COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY to your .env.enc file.

    npx env-enc set

Deploy a Custom Automated Functions Consumer contract

The consumer contract for Custom Automated Functions is different from the consumer in other tutorials. Deploy the CustomAutomatedFunctionsConsumerExample contract on Ethereum Sepolia:

  1. Open the CustomAutomatedFunctionsConsumerExample.sol in Remix.

  2. Compile the contract.

  3. Open MetaMask and select the Ethereum Sepolia network.

  4. In Remix under the Deploy & Run Transactions tab, select Injected Provider - MetaMask in the Environment list. Remix will use the MetaMask wallet to communicate with Ethereum Sepolia.

  5. Under the Deploy section, fill in the router address for your specific blockchain. You can find this address on the Supported Networks page. For Ethereum Sepolia, the router address is 0xb83E47C2bC239B3bf370bc41e1459A34b41238D0.

  6. Click the Deploy button to deploy the contract. MetaMask prompts you to confirm the transaction. Check the transaction details to make sure you are deploying the contract to Ethereum Sepolia.

  7. After you confirm the transaction, the contract address appears in the Deployed Contracts list. Copy your contract address.

Add your Consumer contract to your Functions subscription

Add your contract as an approved consumer contract to your Functions subscription using the Chainlink Functions Subscription Manager.

Configure your Consumer contract

Configure the request details by calling the updateRequest function. This step stores the encoded request (source code, reference to encrypted secrets if any, arguments), gas limit, subscription ID, and job ID in the contract storage (see Examine the code). To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On a terminal, change directories to the 10-automate-functions directory.

  2. Open updateRequest.js and replace the consumer contract address and the subscription ID with your own values:

    const consumerAddress = "0x5abE77Ba2aE8918bfD96e2e382d5f213f10D39fA" // REPLACE this with your Functions consumer address
    const subscriptionId = 3 // REPLACE this with your subscription ID
  3. Run the updateRequest.js script to update your Functions consumer contract's request details.

The consumer contract that you deployed is designed to be used with a custom logic automation. Follow the instructions in the Register a Custom Logic Upkeep guide to register your deployed contract using the Chainlink Automation App. Use the following upkeep settings:

  • Trigger: Custom logic
  • Target contract address: The address of the Chainlink Functions consumer contract that you deployed
  • Name: Give your upkeep a name
  • Check data: Leave this field blank
  • Gas limit: 1000000
  • Starting balance (LINK): 1

You can leave the other settings at their default values for the example in this tutorial.

At this stage, your Functions consumer contract is configured to get the median Bitcoin price on every block.

Check Result

Go to the Chainlink Automation App and connect to the Sepolia testnet. Your upkeep will be listed under My upkeeps:

Click on your upkeep to fetch de details:

On your terminal, run the readLatest to read the latest received response:

  1. Open readLatest.js and replace the consumer contract address with your own values:

    const consumerAddress = "0x5abE77Ba2aE8918bfD96e2e382d5f213f10D39fA" // REPLACE this with your Functions consumer address
  2. Run the readLatest script.

    node examples/10-automate-functions/readLatest.js

    Output Example:

    $ node examples/10-automate-functions/readLatest.js
    secp256k1 unavailable, reverting to browser version
    Last request ID is 0xf4ae51b028ded52d33376810cd97f02e2b1dff424bb78d45730820fefc0b8060
    ✅ Decoded response to uint256:  6688012n

Clean up

After you finish the guide, cancel your upkeep in the Chainlink Automation App and withdraw the remaining funds. After you cancel the upkeep, there is a 50-block delay before you can withdraw the funds.

Examine the code


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import {FunctionsClient} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/functions/v1_0_0/FunctionsClient.sol";
import {AutomationCompatibleInterface} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/automation/AutomationCompatible.sol";
import {ConfirmedOwner} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/shared/access/ConfirmedOwner.sol";
import {FunctionsRequest} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/functions/v1_0_0/libraries/FunctionsRequest.sol";

 * @title Functions contract used for Automation.
 * @notice This contract is a demonstration of using Functions and Automation.
contract CustomAutomatedFunctionsConsumerExample is
    uint256 public lastBlockNumber;
    bytes public request;
    uint64 public subscriptionId;
    uint32 public gasLimit;
    bytes32 public donID;
    bytes32 public s_lastRequestId;
    bytes public s_lastResponse;
    bytes public s_lastError;
    uint256 public s_upkeepCounter;
    uint256 public s_requestCounter;
    uint256 public s_responseCounter;

    error UnexpectedRequestID(bytes32 requestId);

    event Response(bytes32 indexed requestId, bytes response, bytes err);
    event RequestRevertedWithErrorMsg(string reason);
    event RequestRevertedWithoutErrorMsg(bytes data);

        address router
    ) FunctionsClient(router) ConfirmedOwner(msg.sender) {}

     * @notice Checks if upkeep is needed based on the difference between the current and the last block number.
     * @dev This function checks if the current block number has incremented since the last recorded block number and returns a boolean indicating if upkeep is needed.
     * @return upkeepNeeded A boolean indicating if upkeep is needed (true if the current block number has incremented since the last recorded block number).
     * @return performData An empty bytes value since no additional data is needed for the upkeep in this implementation.
    function checkUpkeep(
        bytes calldata /* checkData */
        returns (bool upkeepNeeded, bytes memory performData)
        upkeepNeeded = block.number - lastBlockNumber > 0; // Check if the current block number has incremented since the last recorded block number
        // We don't use the checkData in this example. The checkData is defined when the Upkeep was registered.
        return (upkeepNeeded, ""); // Return an empty bytes value for performData

     * @notice Send a pre-encoded CBOR request if the current block number has incremented since the last recorded block number.
    function performUpkeep(bytes calldata /* performData */) external override {
        if (block.number - lastBlockNumber > 0) {
            lastBlockNumber = block.number;
            s_upkeepCounter = s_upkeepCounter + 1;
            returns (bytes32 requestId) {
                s_lastRequestId = requestId;
                s_requestCounter = s_requestCounter + 1;
                emit RequestSent(requestId);
            } catch Error(string memory reason) {
                emit RequestRevertedWithErrorMsg(reason);
            } catch (bytes memory data) {
                emit RequestRevertedWithoutErrorMsg(data);
        // We don't use the performData in this example. The performData is generated by the Automation Node's call to your checkUpkeep function

    /// @notice Update the request settings
    /// @dev Only callable by the owner of the contract
    /// @param _request The new encoded CBOR request to be set. The request is encoded offchain
    /// @param _subscriptionId The new subscription ID to be set
    /// @param _gasLimit The new gas limit to be set
    /// @param _donID The new job ID to be set
    function updateRequest(
        bytes memory _request,
        uint64 _subscriptionId,
        uint32 _gasLimit,
        bytes32 _donID
    ) external onlyOwner {
        request = _request;
        subscriptionId = _subscriptionId;
        gasLimit = _gasLimit;
        donID = _donID;

     * @notice Store latest result/error
     * @param requestId The request ID, returned by sendRequest()
     * @param response Aggregated response from the user code
     * @param err Aggregated error from the user code or from the execution pipeline
     * Either response or error parameter will be set, but never both
    function fulfillRequest(
        bytes32 requestId,
        bytes memory response,
        bytes memory err
    ) internal override {
        if (s_lastRequestId != requestId) {
            revert UnexpectedRequestID(requestId);
        s_lastResponse = response;
        s_lastError = err;
        s_responseCounter = s_responseCounter + 1;
        emit Response(requestId, s_lastResponse, s_lastError);
  • To write an automated Chainlink Functions consumer contract, your contract must import FunctionsClient.sol. You can read the API reference of FunctionsClient.

    The contract is available in an NPM package, so you can import it from within your project.

    import {FunctionsClient} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/functions/v1_0_0/FunctionsClient.sol";
  • To write a compatible Automations contract, your contract must import AutomationCompatibleInterface.sol.

    The contract is available in an NPM package, so you can import it from within your project.

    import {AutomationCompatibleInterface} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/automation/AutomationCompatible.sol";
  • The lastBlockNumber is stored in the contract. It represents the block number of the last time performUpkeep was triggered.

  • The encoded request, subscriptionId, gasLimit, and jobId are stored in the contract storage. The contract owner sets these variables by calling the updateRequest function. Note: The request (source code, secrets, if any, and arguments) is encoded offchain.

  • The latest request id, latest received response, and latest received error (if any) are defined as state variables:

    bytes32 public s_lastRequestId;
    bytes public s_lastResponse;
    bytes public s_lastError;
  • We define the Response event that your smart contract will emit during the callback

    event Response(bytes32 indexed requestId, bytes response, bytes err);
  • We define two events that your smart contract emits when sending a request to Chainlink Functions fails:

    event RequestRevertedWithErrorMsg(string reason);
    event RequestRevertedWithoutErrorMsg(bytes data);
  • Pass the router address for your network when you deploy the contract:

    constructor(address router) FunctionsClient(router)
  • The three remaining functions are:

    • checkUpkeep for checking offchain if performUpkeep should be executed. performUpkeep should only be executed if the current block number is higher than the block number of the last execution.

    • performUpkeep: Executed by Chainlink Automation when checkUpkeep returns true. This function sends the request (encoded in bytes) to the router by calling the FunctionsClient sendRequest function. Note: We use try and catch to gracefully handle reverts of i_router.sendRequest by emitting an event. We also update the lastBlockNumber, even when i_router.sendRequest is unsuccessful.

    • fulfillRequest to be invoked during the callback. This function is defined in FunctionsClient as virtual (read fulfillRequest API reference). So, your smart contract must override the function to implement the callback. The implementation of the callback is straightforward: the contract stores the latest response and error in s_lastResponse and s_lastError, then increments the response counter s_responseCounter before emitting the Response event.

      s_lastResponse = response;
      s_lastError = err;
      s_responseCounter = s_responseCounter + 1;
      emit Response(requestId, s_lastResponse, s_lastError);


The JavaScript code is similar to the one used in the Call Multiple Data Sources tutorial.


The JavaScript code is similar to the one used in the Automate your Functions (Time-based Automation) tutorial.


The JavaScript code is similar to the one used in the Automate your Functions (Time-based Automation) tutorial.

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